It is high time I v/blogged on this subject. Earlier in 2011 I had the itch to respond to Ryan Comerson's video known as "VRS Our Economic Power?" but apparently the itch was not strong enough for me to respond until now. I've been observing recent developments such as 1) Sentences that were given to Yeh brothers. 2) The cheering of some people who were glad to see that the justice has been served for the Yehs. 3) Blame game that went into every imaginable directions. 4) Noticeable behavioral changes in VRS industries. 5) VRS Employees and VRS loyalists (users) are going out of their way to defend their employers and VRS service providers by trashing other VRS companies. 6) Conspiracies and accusations flew around the rooms through out the nation about the possibility of profiling and oppression against deaf VRS owners while hearing VRS owners got away with mere financial penalties.
The list goes on and on. And it is rapidly spiraling out of control. Out of control? You bet it is. I have read some of the latest blogs out there and saw some of the devastating trends. Some of the anonymous comments went so far to spill out somebody personal name and information and asked "what about this person who has done the same crime but has not been caught". Ugh, I said to myself. Well, if this person knows something about a specific person committing a crime then why has not it been reported to the FBI already? Why wait until now and spill the information in somebody's personal blog site? Does not this person realize that it's against the law, as in an accomplice, to be aware of a crime that was committed but yet did not report it?
And then I realized something recently. The Yeh brothers were one of the first people that were caught. And then the investigators along with the prosecutors eventually learned that it was not an isolated case. They learned about numerous other people and VRS industries who were doing the same thing. So, what did they do? Did they go after everybody and prosecuted them as criminals? No, they didn't. They made a strategic decision to turn Yeh brothers and their company along with sub-contractors and employees into a model of what will happen to you if you committed the same crime against FCC. They gave Yeh Brothers severe punishments and turned them into models of what will happen to you if you committed the same crime. The other way to put it is they have become scapegoats.
The Viable fiasco was picture-perfect for FBI, FCC and the Judicial system because numerous Viable's deaf employees were not savvy people. They were not business savvy people. They were not financial savvy people. Numerous of their employees have below than average English literacy skill. Many of them could not read and understand FCC regulations well enough to follow the rules, let alone defend themselves. That is why I said ASL failed and disintegrates in one of my older v/blog seen here at this link. I'll say this again for those who did not see my v/blog on this subject. ASL is convenient, faster and easier to use. That's true however it also has dire consequences. People become lazy and too comfortable with ASL and do not push themselves to excel secondary and primary language, that of English. This much is evident every where. Don't mark my words. Better yet, go out look for signing deaf people and make an effort to communicate with them. The more you meet the more you will realize how poorly they understand English language. Getting back to the point I was trying to make here... Viable was no different. The CEO was an immigrant from Taiwan. ASL was his second language and English became his third language. I know for a fact that John has never excelled English language to a level whereas he would be able to read and understand these FCC regulations. Neither did numerous of his employees who he depended on for ideas and advice.
Having said that, numerous Viable employees left behind hard evidences, for instance, paper notes, videos, email, and texts. It happened because they were their only source of communication. It was how they communicated. Now compare that with VRS companies run by hearing executives and employees. Do you think they would use the same communication techniques when they cheated the FCC? Evidently not. Some of them were caught with excessive billings but they had nobody to pin these evidences onto. So, about all FCC could do about it is to impose penalties and make these VRS companies pay the money back. Is that fair? You decide.
What is clear here is hearing executives and employees with different VRS companies got away, scot-free. The deaf executives and and employees did not. The reason is clear. They both use different method of communication. One method was detectable and the other was not.
I remember receiving a Christmas card from John Yeh from many years ago after he sold his older company and while he served as Trustee of Gallaudet University. In his Christmas card he wrote, 'How is you?'. I sat down, in great disbelief because he was a truly remarkable and successful man but yet his English was far from perfect. It told me one important thing that made all the difference for me. It told me that America was the land of free and the land of opportunities. But yet, such language deficiency is why he got into trouble with the law. I was going to make this point in my characteristic letter for Yeh brothers but I was told that I should not question the court's intelligence. About all I could tell the court was how great of a man he was and what he's done for me and the deaf community. Thinking back I wondered if it would have made any difference if the Judge understood the factors behind linguistic deficiencies. Would it have made any difference if the Judge realized why deaf executives and employees were caught, red-handed, and why the hearing executives and employees got away, for all the same crime that was done? I have to wonder.
I'd like to move onto the main topic of this v/blog, that of "VRS Our Economic Power" by Ryan Comerson, who made an excellent presentation. With respect to Mr. Ryan Comerson, I have never met him or spoken to him. I've never heard of him until he surfaced into vlog-sphere. He raised numerous valid points in his video however I respectfully disagreed with some of them. Is VRS industry the answer to our quest for economic power? The honest answer would be no. Look at Viable and numerous other VRS industries. They're struggling, financially and strategically to a point where nearly every one of them stooped down to an unimaginable level and cheated on FCC. If the economy power was really there then none of them would be using some kind of 'cheating tactics'. The cheating tactics did not have much to do with people's greed. It had more to do with keeping their companies afloat instead of sinking into red (bad debts). The Yeh brothers made it abundantly clear, numerous times, on how much money they actually made from Viable. They made less money than their interpreters did. They did not rake profits and took them home. Instead they reinvested into research and development. They reinvested into new technologies because they had to maintain competitive edge over other VRS companies who were probably cheating as well. And then some of them were caught. The differences were; Deaf executives and employees are going to prison because they depended on visual communication methods, which were highly detectable and collected as evidences while hearing executives and employees used invisible communication methods, that of oral communications via phones. Thus no hard evidences of personal wrong doings against hearing people.
And no, I'm not questioning the court's intelligence. I'm only sharing some really important factors here.
Is VRS our economic power? Unfortunately it didn't really exist in the first place. It was only an illusion. People hit the calculator and calculate the potentials and said wow... let's get into VRS industry and make our fortune. Everybody got into this dark room in search for several pans of delicious pies. Guess what? Only few found it and hung onto them. The rest of them stumbled upon each other and got hurt. And there was some cheating going on. Somebody pulled out a flashlight and caught a glimpse of who had the pies. And when everybody saw the spotlight they all went into the same direction. That's why you see people attacking Sorenson Communication. They wanted a piece of the pie too but the trouble is everybody want a piece of pie too. But if we think about it, there are not enough pies for everybody. So what do you do? Get out of the room for your own safety! The demographics of signing deaf population is very small and that's a fact.
Furthermore this so-called VRS economic power has become smaller and smaller in the recent years. FCC made some recent moves and cut the budget for VRS industry. In short, there are fewer pies and they're also smaller pies than what were originally out there in this dark room full of pioneers who didn't know what they were getting into.
Bottom line, do you really believe that these VRS industries would go to the trouble of cheating FCC if the economic power was really there. The answer is no. They cheated because they 'financially' had to. The cheated because the economic power was not there and because they were already financially committed. It's not something they could just walk away from and say, we can't afford it. To do so would be equivalent to financial suicide. In theory, do you accept death when you could no longer earn enough money to feed yourself? Have you ever experienced it? What if the field was full of hungry people competing for the same batch of food? Do you sit back and say 'dang it' and accept death or do you grab and pull something out to eat in order to survive, with hope that others will understand your desire to survive? Many business people have the same mentality when they committed a lot of time and money into a project only to realize that there are not enough pies for everybody. I know that it still does not make things right but that is what happens out there in this business and financial world. They are no different from a hungry man with a driving desire to live.
On a final note, I'd like to share something, a mere common senses, with you. So, where is our economic power, you ask? The answer lies within outside of your confines. By this I mean it's not uncommon to find deaf people trying to sell something, whether it be goods or services, to other deaf people. In essence they're circulating old money. Think about it. The same dollar probably passes around from one deaf person to another so many times. How do you expect to build economic power this way? You just can't. One does not build economic power by becoming employees either, due to nasty tax brackets. Instead we build economic power by building companies and making solid investment decisions. And more importantly, we build economic power by marketing our goods and services to the public at large. Forget deaf people. They carry same old money that you don't want. Forget VRS industry. It's a very competitive field and it's heavily regulated by FCC. Spell FCC and red-tapes in the same breath and you'll get the gist of it. Forget deaf education because nobody becomes rich from it. Forget ASL courses because you're making the colleges / universities richer. Both fields will not help and build economic power for our community. So what do you do?
Start thinking about developing technologies, services and goods for hearing consumers. That is when you'll begin to build economic power for deaf people and their communities. I, for one have never made a single pretty penny from deaf customer. I've never sold any kind of deaf-related goods or services to deaf people. The reason is simple. Their economy base is way too small. They carry old money. I don't want anything to do with their money because it won't get you very far in this world. I see all the same stuff at some being sold at these deaf expos, which is why I don't attend any more.
The point here is, people like Ryan Comerson are why some deaf people went into this dark room in search for several pans of pies and got hurt. They actually believed that VRS industry was our opportunity to build economic power. It never occurred to these people that there simply were not enough pies for everybody. I've had my fair share of opportunities to get into VRS industry and when an opportunity came up I declined because I knew there was not going to be enough room for everybody. Something also smelled funny. I figured it was going to evolve into a competitive cutthroat industry where only few giants would be able to survive. And I was right about that. But I never thought I would see it all come down to this nasty outcome.
Ryan, I appreciate the work that you've put forth into your presentation. They were sound presentation and quite logistic. However what it lacked was experience and expertise in business world and economics and marketing that goes with the territory. It was just not there. Business and marketing is clearly not your field and I meant no disrespect when I said it. I know you have much to offer and I look forward to your further videos in the future.
Friday, December 9, 2011
The Drive For Economic Power. Really?
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Our Embattled Leader, John TC Yeh
I've been meaning to v/blog on this subject for a while now but didn't until I was absolutely sure that the hearing date was set on the stone. Now that we're nearing upcoming sentence hearing for our embattled leader, John TC Yeh and his brother Joseph Yeh I decided to v/blog about it, to talk about my lifelong friend and mentor. Here's a story on how I met him 25 years ago and became friends. He was a personal friend as well as a mentor in the business field.
I've written a letter to the Judge asking for leniency if it was at all possible. I explained why and what he's done for me and the deaf community. It is also my hope that the deaf community will offer support for this embattled leader who is going through a difficult period. In this video I also shared my personal message for John. The video is done in sign language and subtitled for all to enjoy. Thank you for watching.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Two Visions
Monday, October 3, 2011
The Damage Has Been Done!
Sometime ago I v/blogged on the subject of Closed Society and how I thought it would be defeated by the Open Society, every time, due to information age that we all live in. Some time passed before I found an excellent example of the earlier point I made.
Somebody in the facebook posted this video seen here at;
I watched it and thought it was a simple inspirational story but no... it was more than that. This story has gotten bigger than life.
The video showed a 29 years old severely deaf lady who's been deaf since birth. With the assistance of new technology she heard her own voice for the first time in 29 years. Within the first day of video release at youtube it attracted over 400,000 (four hundreds thousand) unique viewers and so many comments, some of which were ugly coming from the culturally big "D" deaf community. I left an encouraging comment and told her that I was happy for her and that she was my newest hero. I told her that I was carrying the 7th generation of deafness label in the family with my son carrying the 8th label. And then I sat back and observed the massive traffic the video was attracting in so little time. It was an awe and shock moment. And then I remembered something and thought it was a classic example of what an open society will do to a closed society, every time.
Several days passed before I found this story again. This time around it was on front page!
She was interviewed by Matt Lauer on TODAY Monday. Upon reading this article I decided to check and see how much traffic this video had on youtube. The answer was mind-boggling 4,431,443 unique hits, over 18,000 comments, 43,818 likes and 618 dislikes. All that in only SIX days! And it's still counting.
What started out as a personal and amateur youtube video evolved into an international media shock wave, favoring the makers of hearing aids, cochlear implants, implanted hearing aids (in this case), the users as well their communities. Just like that. At that time it was not even promoted by an audiologist or a representative from companies that make and develop such technologies. It was just a raw and amateur video coming from the patient herself who had only release one amateur video prior to this one.
Not only that but the groaning and moaning sound coming from the culturally big "D" deaf community were also exposed to at least 4 million viewers in six short days. Millions more viewers are sure to check this video in the coming days. Meaning? The ignorance coming from culturally big "D" deaf people are going to be exposed even more, giving hearing parents even more reasons to steer away from culturally big "D" deaf community. Pretty soon there is going to be an international song called "Go For The Fix" because the ugly side of culturally big 'D' deaf people have been exposed.
Some of the ugly comments contained terrible English. I'm not saying it's a shame. I'm saying that they were even more damaging. It told the whole world that deaf education, as we know it, have failed many of us. Thus, greater numbers of deaf school closures coming up? It would not surprise me. I mean, they have no choice but to reflect on what they see out there, especially with the poor English comments found in this video's comment thread.
Many of the angry comments also targeted her for her ability to speak so well. Many did not believe that she was born deaf and remained deaf all of her life because she spoke very well. It goes to show how ignorant and uneducated culturally big "D" deaf people were. For your information, it is not uncommon and impossible for a deaf person to learn how to speak fluently and better yet, fool you for a hearing person. Those culturally big "D" deaf people didn't want to believe that. It could be due to their ever-so isolated world, in which they have only been exposed to deaf people who signed but do not speak. Those who speak well are able to disappear into the thin air and co-existed with the rest of the world. Therefore they've become invisible to our bare eyes. Furthermore, they've proved our lifelong point for us.... our deafness is invisible... I might add, unless we choose to sign. And that's a hard fact we all will have to live with.
Anyway, this "amateur video" incident is one big example of how a closed society will be destroyed or defeated by an open society, every time. This video could be the paradigm shift many of you have been afraid of. I've warned many of you against making stupid and ignorant comments towards those who choose to exercise their personal rights to choose however they see fit. Yet, many of you would not listen. Unfortunately the damage has been done, I am afraid but you can't say you've not been warned.
For more details of the interview, go to this link;
Take note of MSNBC editor's choice of word for the link. Good_news. They categorized the story as 'good news'. Now, don't be upset over it because what might be good news to others might not be good news to you. Once again it boils down to personal preferences and personal choices. Get it?
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Deafhood Losing Its Hood
Greetings readers.
It has been a while since I've blogged on a subject. I figured it'd make some of you happy because of the nature of my controversial subjects. It was too much for some of you and your nerves. At least you could not say I didn't give you a break because that's what I have done. Now what brought me back?
There were several new developments and recent stories regarding deafhood and their so-called underworld cult. I took great interest on this subject because I, of all people, know quite well what deafhood and their leaders are all about. I know what they were after and what they were set out to accomplish. Many of you will remember the fact that I was one of the core member of Deaf Bilingual Coalition, which turned out to be a mere mask worn by deafhood hijackers who seized the DBC (Deaf Bilingual Coalition) movement for its own publicity gains as well as financial gains. They also hijacked CAD (California Association of the Deaf) and took advantage of their tax exempt status. Mind you, this much evidences have been documented and recorded.
A recent dispute between between two women in regards to the melt down of a "war room" is one classic example of what is really wrong with the leader of deafhood, known as "The Poodle". She showed her true colors once again. In a meeting she snapped at a hearing father of a deaf child, saying some of the personal and nastiest thing she should not have said. When the meeting was over she walked out acting as if nothing happened and that she was always diplomatic about things. It was far from the truth. The truth was, in that "war room" she turned into a undiplomatic Poodle, as usual, thinking that the rest of the world would never see her true colors. And if anybody dared to spill the truth, boy and be hold they would be rejected and disowned by the deaf community. This scare tactic was quite typical coming from her. Many of us have seen it before. Having been part of a core member of her deafhood movement I have seen it as well. Therefore, what happened in Indiana and their so-called "war room" didn't surprise me at all.
You can read more about it at this link;
And then you could watch this reaction video by "The Poodle". She became violently angry when the truth was being disclosed, that of creepy conversations, which took place between her and a hearing father of a deaf child. It reminded me of what she has done to many others when they found the courage to come out and disclosed the ultimate truth about her. She blew her tops as well when I disclosed the ultimate truth about her disdain for hearing people, hearing parents of deaf children, oralists, cochlear implant companies and cochlear implant users. In this video her temper flared once more, thinking that she's free of the blame. Instead she'd always blame others just like she would blame this "hearing world" for ALL of her problems. Don't mark my word. See this video for yourself.
I said very little on this matter because I was not a part of this "war room" in Indiana. I figured people were going to figure this "Poodle" character sooner or later. Surely enough. A new vlog called "Tayler Is Our Knight" came out on 09/27/2011 at youtube and This lady known as DeafIndigoHorse at found the courage to come out and disclose the ultimate and shameful truth about this "Poodle" character. Go to this link if you would like to leave a video comment under her vlog.
- Or, leave a text comment at her youtube account. -
Clearly what happened with B.R.A.D. (Baton Rogue Association of the Deaf) and L.A.D. (Louisiana Association of the Deaf) as well as NAD (National Association of the Deaf) is shameful, at best. Turning their blind eyes on corruptions like that will not help their cause. These associations are already at their all-time low, with decline in memberships and fundings. This particular testament is a living proof of what's really going on within these Associations. It certainly will not help their image. Nor will it help their cause.
Now, what's the real culprit here? The answer simply lies within the term, "hood". The deaf community now has a negative notion of 'hood', likening them to some kind of gangster or cult community working together for the best interest of deaf elitists who love to categorize themselves as the big "D". These people seem to believe that the big "D" status gave them the license to oppress against deaf people in general. This much is already clear.
In short, deafhood has lost it's 'hood', what was once thought to be hideous leverage but is no longer a leverage but a liability. The reason is simple. The people discovered the truth, thanks to the information age we live in. Remember my "closed society" vlog? If not, check it out at
Go figure.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
2012, the Fifth Sun World
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What December 21st, 2012 really means according to nearly 600 Mayan Elders. It's not the end of the world but rather the end of Fourth Sun World and a new beginning known as the Fifth Sun World. Our earth will have entered the very center of galactic equator by that date and receive a new fifth element known as Ether, in addition to our already four elements, that of earth, air, water and fire. According to the Mayans, Ether is a spiritual energy. It's an electromagnetic radiation, which will make us even more human. However as we get closer to the galactic equator we will witness an increase in earth vibrations (earth quakes) and major changes in how we live our lives. The material world we currently live in will change. We'll be much closer to nature. There will be losses of lands and new lands will appear. Some people will suffer. Some people won't suffer as much. It all depends on how prepared we are. This video is subtitled for all to enjoy and learn from, according to the interpretations of nearly 600 Mayan Elders. (disclaimer; It's not my interpretation nor does it mean I subscribe to such interpretation or theory. Thank you for watching.)
Monday, April 25, 2011
Why I said ASL Failed and Disintegrates
Why I said ASL failed and what I meant by the statement. Carrying the 7th generation "deaf family" label I witnessed and observed at least four generations of deaf people and their so-called communities. I can safely vouch the important fact that ASL lacks structural values necessary for our own defense and how it seem to disintegrate deaf people's vocabulary and grammatical skills. The video has been subtitled for hearing people so that they will begin to understand the underlying issues within our deaf community.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Intertribal Deaf Council
Ella and few others came up with desperate final shots and accused me of destroying Intertribal Deaf Council. I thought I’d grab the opportunity and explain what really happened. In 2006 when I attended IDC gathering they were over-taken by “wanna-be” white leaders. I might be the person that broke the IDC’s back but it was only because of their lengthy dishonest and abusive organizational practices before I joined.
For several years numerous deaf Native Americans came forward to vouch this truth with video comments at DVTV. This time around I decided to do a main vlog just to demonstrate how foolish and desperate Ella and her followers were, constantly believing hear-say rumors. Quite desperate of them but it was the only thing they had on me.
More importantly, I have some really great news for everybody. I’m officially “so out of deafhood”, according to Deafhood Foundation’s very own Ella. She’s made a public declaration on 04/21/2011. It’s on my hard drive too. She finally acknowledged that I was in charge of my own journey. For the past three years it’s been exactly what I’ve fought for. Thank you, Ella. I’ve been liberated! It’s a victory for my fans as well. I rest my case.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Not A Leader?
Hmmm... I decided to v/blog on this subject. One of a known leader abruptly made a declaration that she is not a leader but a follower instead. Let's take a deep look at why she said it. The timing of her statement is so essential. She's the one that brought deafhood to America and developed an American version of deafhood by trying to interpret deaf journey for us with hope that we'd all agree with her journey. And apply them into our journey. That's where she went wrong and she realized it just now. Instead of owning up her own mistakes as a leader she sidestepped and said she was only following others. Shameful. Solid leaders do not do that. Solid leaders apologize for misleading their people. This one didn't.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
ASL Reductionists!

Before you roll your eyes and spit out nasty words for me, take a deep breath and hear me out for few minutes.
Thanks to reductionists who manage to minimize ASL (American Sign Language) every time they tried to retrieve it. These are the same people that are constantly trying to discredit PSE and English with hope to give ASL the boost it desperately need.
Take a peek at this video done by David, known as deafchipmunk. He's one of the latest example of world class reductionist. In this particular video he struggled with himself, trying his hardest to belittle and degrade PSE with hope to promote ASL.
The irony is he also used PSE in that video. You see, he desperately tried to shoot down PSE as a lowly and filthy sign language that we should be ashamed of and yet in the same breath he used PSE in that video.
Oh, don't be confused as to why he's doing it. Many deaf professors and deaf-related service workers like him are doing the same thing because they seem to think that their career and employment would be jeopardized if ASL does not survive. They seem to feel the urge and need to promote ASL because they believe that without it they would be unemployed. They're doing it solely for economy reasons. This is something we could understand but lying about it isn't cool. It's even worse when they try to deceive others into believing that we all are signing in ASL, strictly ASL, without resorting to some of the values that are offered by PSE and English.
I've reached an important conclusion here. The role and theory of Holism and Reductionism have never been more important. If you claim to use ASL, strictly that then you are a reductionist. If you claim to use PSE, strictly that then you are a reductionist as well. If you claim to use Sign Exact English then you're a reductionist as well. However, if you embrace all of the above and use them freely then you're using what's known as holistic approach. My hat's off to those who embrace all the above, for their lives surely will becomes richer because of it.
My sincere sympathies goes to those reductionists who choose to limit themselves to one form of sign language. They seem to prefer an isolated world, that of closed society. It certainly is within their rights to choose that kind of life but it certainly is not for me and millions of other deaf people on the face of this earth.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Helping A Drowning Society

I've been doing some serious thinking for the past several weeks about the society that seem to be making the desperate gasping sound of a drowning community. One thing came to my mind, that of helping a drowning society and the dire consequences behind the noble effort to rescue them.
And why it's happening.
Many of you know I've been v/blogging on various topics for several years covering controversial topics that were important to the signing community. No doubt about it. My unique insights on different topics helped many people. And yet it also produced some enemies who simply hate the notion of being helped. They cry foul when they see a floating life saver tube being thrown their way because it was wrong for us to think or believe that they were incapable of swimming. The noble effort seem to insult them. Some gladly accepted the help and some simply refused, out of pride even if they were drowning.
Or perhaps it's a classic case of a sinking titanic ship whereas there were not enough emergency boats and life jackets for everybody? Where are the leaders when the society needed them? Are they in the hiding because they were ill-prepared when they built a deaf community (a titanic ship) without providing them with adequate safety and security measures (life jackets and boats)?
Surely, numerous deaf leaders back in the 1900's meant well when they envisioned and engineered a plan and called it a world of our own. Back then it sounded good to everybody. In the 1900's they started building this Titanic D Ship and gave it a name, that of ASL! The effort continued well into the 1980's before this renowned ice berg (technology and information age) floated into the course and caught the ship by surprise. The collision course delivered a huge dent and penetrated this Titanic D Ship and delivered large amount of gushing water into the ship until it could no longer stay afloat. Not a pretty sight. You know the rest of the story so I won't go there and paint the rest of the story for you.
The leaders led the society to believe that the Titanic D Ship was unsinkable and unbreakable. The people were led to believe that ASL was the key to their future and that they would receive the best of education and the best possible life if we solicited strictly in ASL and by attending deaf school establishments. Today we know better. Today we're seeing numerous deaf schools going down the tube. Medical technologies are making rapid progress these days and bringing forth great promises, some of which have been delivered. Because of that people started to wonder about this "dreamy" and "ideal" world they were promised by numerous deaf leaders.
This reminds me of a quote I created some time ago, "Disappointment is a result of unrealistic expectation".
Once you develop an unrealistic expectation over something you're in it for a huge disappointment. This is what happened to the deaf signing community when their leaders allowed for unrealistic expectations of what our world was going to be like in the future as if they posed some kind of supernatural power to know what the future would bring. It sure was a humbling experience for many of us who realized that we can not and will never be able to stop progress.
I've been around long enough to remember how highly visible and accessible numerous deaf leaders were. They were highly recognized for their work. It seem to be the opposite today. Many current deaf leaders are hiding in their offices, their homes and even garages, producing "busy" noises with hope to lead us to believe that they are very busy and occupied with something else that were very important.
The recent resignation at Deaf Bilingual Coalition is one of many examples. Occasionally these self proclaimed leaders would take a peek at the "Drowning Society" and each time they did they could not stomach the desperate gasping sounds and sights of a drowning community. They'd close their curtains again and try to keep their minds occupied with something else with hope that the problem would disappear on its own.
One other thing to discuss here. The technique and tactic of helping a drowning victim is not an easy task. It's generally know that when you try and help a drowning victim you're likely going to be drowned as well. The drowning victim has the tendency to panic and grab your body with all of his/her weight and pull you down. You simply would not have the necessary strength to carry the load and swim both parties out of the water.
I say this because each time we tried to help the victims that are drowning into the system we would receive some kind of hammer treatment by these extremists (deafhood)leaders. These are the same corrupted leaders who make a living selling Grand Tour tickets to this Titanic D Ship called ASL. This Titanic D Ship is so majestic that it even contain ASL courses in name of numerous Colleges / Universities / Schools, provides Deafhood Workshops, and recruit sponsor for this Deafhood Foundation, and wears the mask of Deaf Bilingual Coalition, and such.
These are the same group of leaders that control California Association of the Deaf and changed their by-laws to reflect deafhood instead of deaf. They also hold great amount of leverage and influence over deaf professionals who work for the State at these deaf schools. These people are currently trying to infiltrate Gallaudet University and National Association of the Deaf. To a degree they've been fairly successful at it. It would not surprise me if both entities fell victim to this Titanic D Ship in matter of time.
And ultimately, it's all done in the name of Deafhood Foundation. The longer we allow them to sell the tickets to this supposedly unsinkable and unbreakable D ship the more destructive it is going to be.
You can't say you've not been warned.