Monday, March 5, 2012

Nano-sized "D" Movement Goes Undetected!

I turned on my radar system during the weekend, waiting to hear about this so-called rally / protest arranged by Deaf Bilingual Coalition / Aufism Free America / Deafhoodized people. The whole weekend I was waiting for a sign of life coming from this rally but saw absolutely nothing. Not a single blip! I nearly fell asleep because of the inactivity.

After the rally was over, a friend sent me a video link showing the rally / protest at EHDI's convention in St. Louis. Ahhh.... I said to myself, that explains! I thought I'd share it with you, seen here;

Take note of time slot 2:33 in the video. On the left side of the video you will see a classic demonstration of 'deaf power' gesture by a man in a yellow safety jacket. It appeared he was shouting while making the 'deaf power' gesture. It was clear that this hearing mother in a black jacket heard him. And he did so in public, on a public sidewalk. And yet the people around him thought it was a cool thing to do. Heck... such behavior is why parents of deaf children do not want their children to be around them or grow up to be like them, go around and holler in public with a hand on one ear and other hand in the air.

For those who made earlier claims that they were not going to shout at the rally. What do you have to say now? This video only covered 5 minutes of the rally and we already caught one classic example of senseless shouting. It makes you wonder how often they've been doing it all weekend long.

I could only count 49 people at the rally including the person that took this video. Oh all right... I'll throw in the Fox News guy and make it 50 for those unhappy campers. And then I had to ponder about it.

I looked back and remembered their first rally back in Milwaukee. These same people coordinated the rally, with my help, mind you. I was part of Deaf Bilingual Coalition because I supported bilingualism approach. However when I was part of their core team I saw what was rather radical militant deaf people (the so called pro-ASL power house extremists) wearing bilingualism mask. They were hijacking bilingualism with deep secrets to promote ASL as the preferred choice. They also had hidden agenda, that of promoting deafhood theory. It was shameful. Many of you remembered it. Anyway, this particular rally in Milwaukee attracted some where between 700 to 800 protesters. Upon seeing how many people were fooled by this bilingualism mask I started to blog about it and I did so frequently until everybody realized what kind of fakes they were.

And then these same people held a rally in Indiana shortly some time afterwards. Only 13 people showed up. It was a total embarrassment. These same people realized that their masks were no longer working. They had no choice but to restore transparency. They switched back to their true colors, that of pro-ASL and ASL powerhouse, in which they would promote ASL as the best option. Their original rally for bilingualism seem to have disappeared, if not entirely.

Having transparency in its rightful place it's not difficult to see why people no longer support their cause. Only 50 people showed up for this rally in 2012 compared to 700-800 they had four years ago. These same people continue to humiliate themselves in front of AG Bell and EHDI conventions. These people also rallied against various legislative bills in different States and they were unsuccessful. Unsuccessful because they didn't really understand the bills. They didn't know a good thing when they saw it. Unfortunately, the humiliation continues.

I hear these same people comparing their ASL movement with the likes of M.L King, Tea Party, George Washington, and such. This comparison notion is laugahable because these historic figures fought for something new. They stood up for new ideas. They stood up for innovations. They didn't fight for old ideas and old world. The old ideas and old worlds belonged to the Kings and Queens who wanted to control the people. The old ideas and old world belonged to the white extremists who wanted to enslave the blacks. The old ideas and old world belonged to the men who wanted to control women. The list goes on and on. These pro-ASL and ASL powerhouse extremists wanted to retain the old idea and hang into their old world by rejecting new ideas, new approaches and new technologies. Now kindly ask yourself the question. Which movement is comparable to historic M.L. King, George Washington and the likes? And which group of people are actually clinging onto old ideas and their old world? The sign language they use is not new. The deaf world they dwell in is not new. Go figure.


  1. Hoorah for me... my math skill seem to be extremely sharp after being absent from school for over 27 years! My count on rally participants proved to be extremely accurate. A blogged known as AT THE RIM quoted "about 50 people" attended the rally in his latest blog.

  2. I'm actually all for power to the deaf and others with hearing loss, I just have no time for segregationalists masquerading as rights protesters, when they are obviously non-inclusive..

  3. This numbers of people and congrats to your math skills, LOL answer enough of this that led to our extinct on our medical term. I am well-prepared for this. LOL,

    Next time, you do not have to use radar again, it is useless for those Nano-D-extremists.

  4. Cavvy, I'm listing this extremist militant radar system in ebay this week. I hope it sells. LOL

  5. I see most of them SMILING, having fun to socialize with some other buddies, not seeming to take this too seriously. Hey if you want to protest, just don't SMILE. Get busy looking ANGRY! Yeah... ha ha

  6. How typical of those protesters...same faces...same names...

    That video shows that the number of supporters have fell, significantly.

    I was grew up with a deaf family and I haven't heard a single thing about this event. "Why?", I ask. It is simply due to disorganized leader. 

    When I asked one of those same leaders who has been decrying AG Bell. I was inadvertently compelled to learn more about the nature of AG Bell's history within the deaf community. This leader was openly condemned me and told me to do my "homework". 

    I asked because I have a great life and I don't have a time to dig to find this information. Gradually, realized that those leaders DON'T have any resources and information to share with audiences like me about AG Bell's history.

    This is why this movement is failing big time. No question about it. 

  7. Huh? What Nano-sized "D" Movement?

    ~Renée J.
