Monday, October 12, 2009

Who Is He?

A person's journey at Labelville, a village that loves to label people.

My comment under Deaf Pundit's blog.

Enjoyed reading DeafPundit's recent blog and the thread that’s been generated. Wanted to drop a couple of thoughts on the subject. Eye rollings are permitted. Thought I’d say it in advance.

Likewise, I don’t agree with what Barry Sewell is doing to CAD. However I do agree that there are merits behind the argument. The goal was to ensure that profiling is not happening. Now, why did Barry step in and take action as a foreigner? Apathy. Apathy was seen everywhere on the part of deaf Californians. Before he stepped in, he made the issue known to everybody a year ago with hope that somebody from California would pick up the tab and pursue the matter. More than a year passed. Nothing happened. Nobody took action. I did some more research and learned that vagueness was tolerated since 2005 and yet nobody spoke up? A clear case of apathy. Perhaps because they were directly or indirectly frightened of certain few who developed U.S. version of Deafhood.

Unfortunately it took a mere action by a foreigner before a roaring cheer surfaced across the nation. More than 4,000 visitors visited his vlog in approximately one week. This prompted the new President of CAD to step in and do some damage control. He vlogged in DVTV and acknowledged the importance of being inclusive. He promised prompt action and went even further to say that it will be FIXED. Even better, he addressed these messages directly to Barry Sewell, the whistle blower.

Speaking of numerous dead links (removed sites) due to the outrage at presenting the evidences. Some people did not appreciate the way some things were exposed to the whole world. And then these same people turned around and speak of lack of evidence. They also accuse us of misinformation. At times we’re being tempted to re-post these evidences. It’s a case of damned if we do and damned if we don’t. Just thought I’d point that out.

BR, want some evidence of blacklisting and castigating? Ask me about it. Nobody gets it worse than I did and everybody knows that. Are you turning a blind eye on the problem?

BR, you are entitled to your opinion. I’m pointing this out because you felt that the term “deafness” is a negative concept. I respectfully disagree and I’m entitled to my opinion as well. My take on this is it is an English term. Nothing more and nothing less. The term does not reflect any type of behavior or precedent of an individual. Just like Deafhood. People love to take a word out of its context and make it into something more than it really is.

BR, you claimed that there are people having discussions about the meaning of Deafhood all the time, including with Ella and she welcomes the productive debate, including with people who disagree with her. Hello? Care to know what happened to me when I first questioned her version of Deafhood. I was the new kid on the block at that time and had no idea who Ella was. I asked nicely and politely. End result? Cold shoulder treatment until I made the decision to part ways with DBC. Shortly afterwards I learned of several others who were treated the same way. Upon seeing that I was just another victim I spoke out and exposed DBC / Deafhood / CAD for who they really were. I’ve been on a mission since then… the mission was to kick some rears and boy, did I.

BR & Valhallian… I do not opposed capitalism not do I think anybody opposes it. Making a living from workshops is not a sin. It’s a wonderful opportunity. However it’s different when profits are made off deaf souls. I am referring to the way these Deafhood presenters managed to colonize deaf souls and turned them into deficit thinkers for their own personal gains, a profit taking venture. Paddy Ladd is equally as guilty because he admitted that he was surprised at how the United States turned his theory into something that was beyond him. But yet he did nothing to stop the rhetorics. Why? He stood to make money from it! People flocked to the book store and bought copies of his book. Why in the world would he want to step in and correct us for misinterpretations, misinformation and misleading actions? The incentive was not there so he’s just sitting there and laughing all the way to the bank, thanks to the rhetorics. If he has any decency he should feel ashamed and hollow. I say this because he’s been pretty much absent in much of our v/blog discussions. Now I meant no disrespect for Paddy Ladd. His book is probably a good book and should be a stand alone icon, representing one individual’s thoughts and feelings. Nothing more and nothing less. That’s why I did not bother making him any more richer than he needs to be therefore I do not own a copy of his book. No intention of owning a copy any time in the future.

And lastly, I created a video comment recently under TheKoobifora’s vlog and stated that my soul was being raped by certain Deafhood promoters who wanted to take credit for my personal journey, in which I earned, without the help of Deafhood book or Deafhood workshop. Mind you, these certain Deafhood promoters were “so in awe” of my dictions, knowledge, experience and wisdom. They tried to use many of the words and examples I produced and brought to the table. For example; Strategic planning and strategic values. Human Beings. Holism as in Whole. Liability and Assets. Brothers and Sisters. Equality of all people, using the five fingers of my hand and lowering the thumb as a symbol, representing equality for all individuals. The void. Circle as in Hocokan. Lasso, as seen in CAD’s latest flyers when it tried to promote Deafhood vision, seen here at The list goes on and on. I could almost swear they’re trying to clone me in the Bay Area.

Having said this, it is not difficult to see why they’re desperately trying to convert me and place a Deafhood label on me. They’re desperately trying to take credit for my dictions, knowledge, experience and wisdom. They are desperately looking for the much needed short cut to reach their desired destination. I went to the trouble of dissecting and discrediting Deafhood in order to protect myself and the journey that I’ve earned on my own, without the help of Deafhood book or workshops. My journey is mine to keep. The credit goes to ME. It belongs to me and rightfully so.

I did not go to college for all the same reason, not wanting to grant credit to any form of institutions for who I was, for my dictions, knowledge, experience and wisdom. I’m a self-taught individual and I intend to keep it that way. Try and rob me of my soul and I’ll dissect you to the very end. Respect is all I’m asking for and I believe everybody deserves the same treatment.

Good blog DP.
