Sunday, June 27, 2010

Are We Really That Helpless?

The subject of "earned rights" versus "free rights" came up once again when I asked a friend to help and prepare an unofficial transcript on AB 2072 Senate Health hearing. I made it happen within 2 days and yet Ella discouraged people from reading it. What is she afraid of? Is she trying to dumb down the deaf community and keep them on the dark side? Does she really believe that we are a helpless society? Is she afraid that people are going to learn the ultimate truth? Or did she understand what really happened at the hearing?

Take a peek at Eh? What? Huh? blog site and read some of the dumbing down comments from Ella and her deafhoodized followers. This is a very sad thing to witness so if you have a weak heart, don't take a peek. It's really a discouraging thing to see. These people actually believe that deaf people are so helpless and incapable of earning their rights, by making this unofficial transcript happen.

Regardless, several independent sources went through the trouble of verifying the unofficial transcript, without being asked. And they found the transcript to be 99% accurate with the 1% unknown due to inaudible sound bytes. Did Ella and her followers really think I would prepare such transcript knowing that an official transcript would eventually come out?

This offers one more proof of closed society that they represent. One of the traits of a closed society is they will almost always refuse any information that's coming from the outside. What they continue to fail to understand is information age will defeat their closed society every time. Welcome to information age. This is what information age looks like. People are coming out with independent and verifiable sources of information at a rapid pace and catching these closed society off-guarded.

I'll copy and paste what several independent sources have said about the transcript so far.

Mike - "I've listened to the video in its entirety alongisde with Barry's transcript (with help of a hearing person doing the job). The transcript is 99% accurate. Look to Barry's blog for my explainations there. He should approve my last comment there shortly and with my inputs on identifying the inaudible parts that I was able to do. Ella needs to apologize to the person who did this transcriptioning work. The person in question committed 20 hours of work just so that YOU and others can be FULLY INFORMED of what was said at the committee hearing since about 50% of the time none of what was spoken was interpreted. Barry's helper filled in the gap for you guys. Again, Ella, if you are "one of the Deaf leaders" then it'd be in your best interest to apologize to the person who did the transcriptioning work and to Barry for making a false claim against him. The transcript is real and accurate." End quote.

Laura - "FYI, my hearing husband and friend heard it alongside with the transcript, yes, it's very accurate, real and not an a piece of exaggeration. Whoever did a transcript has done great job! Seriously." End quote.

More people are going to come forward and say the same thing. And you, Ella, of all people want to hide in the closet? Be my guest but it reveals who you really are. Thank you.


  1. Even though I believe what my hub and friend said to me, Hub advised me to wait and see for the final outcome of the bill. If it comes out as just same as before, then yeah, we can create ourselves as ABOLISHERS against the discriminations against other deafies' choices to use other communication method(s), hearies, and such. We already have enough of bills to "roll out the red carpets" for us.
    Meanwhile, if the deafies want to distribute ASL-only brochures all over the world just like some ABC card sellers do, fine, be my guest.

  2. Thank you for the transcript...I read it, sounded accurate what's being said at the hearing. Not only the group of people you called them as deaf extremists how they perceived have their victory on AB2072, but the battle not been won by both sides just yet. Not only them, as they interpreted differently what they thought about AB2072. They earned their rights to speak what they think or believe and it is up to us to accept or reject their claims, comparing with HonBrit's recent vlog as she mentioned that it was voted and passed in the Senate...she is clueless as she did not do her homework before making her vlog. It is your and my job to accept or dismiss her statement from her vlog. I have been reading or watching several blogs or vlogs…I can easily accepted or dismissed some of them because I did my homework to know what I am reading or checking them out. Once again, thank you for the transcript.

  3. Ron, you're correct that the methodical research/homework has to be done first before we add our opinions. I have zero tolerance for bloggers/V-bloggers following other people's twisted opinions and believing everything they say before using your opinions without doing some homeworks.
    Despite of the situations between the Anti-AB2027 and Pro-AB2072 groups, the parents who had approached to Assembleyman Mendoza still remain as winners. Why? Because they want the future parents of deaf babies to be informed about the deaf community so they won't be left in the dark. That's how I look at them as heroes and winners as well.

  4. Barry, thank you for providing transcript of this hearing and posted publicity for everyone to see.

    Ella doesn't want face reality and are using emotional manuplation on lesser educated deaf people who can't read well and uses them for her own mission.
