Monday, November 15, 2010

Update on Convo Relay &

I v/blogged on the subject recently therefore I felt the obligation to provide my viewers and readers with an update. As of today, November 15th, 2010 Convo Relay has decided to terminate their relationship with

I know that certain people from are going to assume that I'm excited about the news. It's far from the truth. The truth is I'm saddened by the fact that did not and could not seem to step up to the plate and clean their house. The matter was beyond Convo Relay's control. I wrote to the CEO of Convo Relay and told him that I thought that would be worse off if it was not for Convo Relay. In short, I appreciated Convo Relay's presence in because it was the only incentive for them to get their act together and do everything they could to stop cyber-bullying. And because they could not deliver their relationship with Convo Relay has been severed.

I also know that certain people are going to blame me and several other individual for it but the hard reality is they only have themselves to blame. Convo Relay gave them plenty of opportunities to get their act together. I know Convo Relay meant well and they did everything in their power to try and correct the problem. Unfortunately it did not seem to work. The cyber-bullying continued to take place in face of all the warning signs. My greatest fear is being realized this morning. is going to be worse off. I hope I'm going to be wrong about it but is probably going to become worse than what it was previously. The incentive to behave and vlog responsibly is no longer there.

And I'd like to say something else about Convo Relay. I've spoken to numerous individuals who used Convo Relay in the past. They all had favorable and positive message about Convo Relay. I did not hear a single negative comment about their service. It was one reason why I've tried to preserve their reputation and strike a delicate balance in separating them from being part of cyber-bullying that took place at without damaging Convo Relay and the wonderful service they seem to provide. I have yet to check Convo Relay's service and will check them out soon, as a way of thanking them for their prompt action on this matter.

Thank you,
Barry Sewell


  1. I work for another VRS provider, yet I am still saddened by the news. The main reason is "economics". Notwithstanding the competition between VRS companies, they ALL provide a source of financial infusion into our Deaf economy. I was saddened to see it happen to and Purple. Any money into our community is good! Let's build each other up. If we do not elevate our deaf society then we will never have the financial power to achieve our dreams.

  2. Hi Wing. Valid perspectives right there. One thing is absolute sure. There is hope. It'll always be there. Bearing the fruits is the main we're striving to do. Thanks for your thoughts.

  3. Barry, Thanks a lots for destoryed their website, I hope you enjoy it in every minutes. One Day, It hits you as bad Kamra.

  4. deafagent,

    I am not part of their web site. I did not contribute to any of the videos that were posted there so how is it possible for me to destroy it? Eh?

    Convo Relay terminated their relationship with because of the cyber-bullying that's been going on over there. And I had no part of cyber-bullying that happened there. You were very much part of it therefore who actually destroyed the web site? You and your cronies. That's who.

    Read my blog again. I was hoping that would accept the help and offer from Convo Relay by following the rules. But no, you and your did not want to stop the bullying. It seem to be the only thing you know these days. Get a life.

  5. Yup, they did it to themselves and you put it all in the proper perspective. Sad to see that people lose sight of that simply because they are blind with rage and grasp at straws.


  6. Yes, they certainly did it to themselves. Many on the outside saw it going down the tube because of the constant cyberbullying. It was simply the blind leading the blind over a cliff and they have only themselves and their "leader" the blame for this.
