Sunday, May 22, 2011

2012, the Fifth Sun World

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What December 21st, 2012 really means according to nearly 600 Mayan Elders. It's not the end of the world but rather the end of Fourth Sun World and a new beginning known as the Fifth Sun World. Our earth will have entered the very center of galactic equator by that date and receive a new fifth element known as Ether, in addition to our already four elements, that of earth, air, water and fire. According to the Mayans, Ether is a spiritual energy. It's an electromagnetic radiation, which will make us even more human. However as we get closer to the galactic equator we will witness an increase in earth vibrations (earth quakes) and major changes in how we live our lives. The material world we currently live in will change. We'll be much closer to nature. There will be losses of lands and new lands will appear. Some people will suffer. Some people won't suffer as much. It all depends on how prepared we are. This video is subtitled for all to enjoy and learn from, according to the interpretations of nearly 600 Mayan Elders. (disclaimer; It's not my interpretation nor does it mean I subscribe to such interpretation or theory. Thank you for watching.)

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