Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Deafhood Losing Its Hood

Greetings readers.

It has been a while since I've blogged on a subject. I figured it'd make some of you happy because of the nature of my controversial subjects. It was too much for some of you and your nerves. At least you could not say I didn't give you a break because that's what I have done. Now what brought me back?

There were several new developments and recent stories regarding deafhood and their so-called underworld cult. I took great interest on this subject because I, of all people, know quite well what deafhood and their leaders are all about. I know what they were after and what they were set out to accomplish. Many of you will remember the fact that I was one of the core member of Deaf Bilingual Coalition, which turned out to be a mere mask worn by deafhood hijackers who seized the DBC (Deaf Bilingual Coalition) movement for its own publicity gains as well as financial gains. They also hijacked CAD (California Association of the Deaf) and took advantage of their tax exempt status. Mind you, this much evidences have been documented and recorded.

A recent dispute between between two women in regards to the melt down of a "war room" is one classic example of what is really wrong with the leader of deafhood, known as "The Poodle". She showed her true colors once again. In a meeting she snapped at a hearing father of a deaf child, saying some of the personal and nastiest thing she should not have said. When the meeting was over she walked out acting as if nothing happened and that she was always diplomatic about things. It was far from the truth. The truth was, in that "war room" she turned into a undiplomatic Poodle, as usual, thinking that the rest of the world would never see her true colors. And if anybody dared to spill the truth, boy and be hold they would be rejected and disowned by the deaf community. This scare tactic was quite typical coming from her. Many of us have seen it before. Having been part of a core member of her deafhood movement I have seen it as well. Therefore, what happened in Indiana and their so-called "war room" didn't surprise me at all.

You can read more about it at this link;

And then you could watch this reaction video by "The Poodle". She became violently angry when the truth was being disclosed, that of creepy conversations, which took place between her and a hearing father of a deaf child. It reminded me of what she has done to many others when they found the courage to come out and disclosed the ultimate truth about her. She blew her tops as well when I disclosed the ultimate truth about her disdain for hearing people, hearing parents of deaf children, oralists, cochlear implant companies and cochlear implant users. In this video her temper flared once more, thinking that she's free of the blame. Instead she'd always blame others just like she would blame this "hearing world" for ALL of her problems. Don't mark my word. See this video for yourself.

I said very little on this matter because I was not a part of this "war room" in Indiana. I figured people were going to figure this "Poodle" character sooner or later. Surely enough. A new vlog called "Tayler Is Our Knight" came out on 09/27/2011 at youtube and This lady known as DeafIndigoHorse at found the courage to come out and disclose the ultimate and shameful truth about this "Poodle" character. Go to this link if you would like to leave a video comment under her vlog.

- Or, leave a text comment at her youtube account. -

Clearly what happened with B.R.A.D. (Baton Rogue Association of the Deaf) and L.A.D. (Louisiana Association of the Deaf) as well as NAD (National Association of the Deaf) is shameful, at best. Turning their blind eyes on corruptions like that will not help their cause. These associations are already at their all-time low, with decline in memberships and fundings. This particular testament is a living proof of what's really going on within these Associations. It certainly will not help their image. Nor will it help their cause.

Now, what's the real culprit here? The answer simply lies within the term, "hood". The deaf community now has a negative notion of 'hood', likening them to some kind of gangster or cult community working together for the best interest of deaf elitists who love to categorize themselves as the big "D". These people seem to believe that the big "D" status gave them the license to oppress against deaf people in general. This much is already clear.

In short, deafhood has lost it's 'hood', what was once thought to be hideous leverage but is no longer a leverage but a liability. The reason is simple. The people discovered the truth, thanks to the information age we live in. Remember my "closed society" vlog? If not, check it out at

Go figure.

1 comment:

  1. Pardon me, Mr. Sewell, but I am rather new to the online subset of Deaf culture. You may have seen some stray comments that I leave on the d/Deaf blogosphere. (I've got this habit of dipping my toes into places where I don't really belong, heh.) I don't know where to contact you in private, so I'll just land a comment here on your blog.

    By tracking the back-and-forth videos between yourself and the likes of Deafhood, I've noticed that they have a constant meme regarding you: that you have this group of slavish followers under your control, who apparently act as your personal army against the Deaf community as a whole.

    Just where in the world did they get this idea?! All I see is a very opinionated guy and a handful people who agree with him on a number of points. Only one vlogger seems to come close to a slavish follower.

    On the other hand, I have seen much dittohead herd mentality, on their side, lavishing uncritical praise on the bloviations of a few KEY individuals (you know who they are by now). I've seen more "charismatic leadership" *wink nudge nudge* on the part of Ella Mae Lentz than anyone on your side.

    Perhaps they're just projecting their own insecurities onto an easy target. Or I may be wrong, and you DO have a legion of yes-men and yes-women at your command? Or maybe you did in the past, but the Heroes of Deafhood successfully defeat them at the Battle of Wounded Cochlear Implant?

    P.S. I would love to know about your experiences with Plains Indian Sign Language.
