Monday, February 27, 2012

Dismissal & Imposing by "D" Extremists

Greetings readers. It's been a long while since I've blogged on a subject. Two reasons. 1) The editors at have been rejecting my blogs. Instead of publishing it on their main page they'd hide it in the extra page. I suspect that their editors do not like me and the views I bring to the table. It's becoming a waste of time for me to try and understand what they want to hear and what they don't. 2) My interest in blogging has faded considerably because I think that most people understand where I stand on various matters. No need to repeat myself senselessly.

However I ran into a friend's facebook post recently and saw this video by a man named Dean. I never saw this man before. Never heard of him either. I liked some of his basic points but then I noticed something typical about him. I thought I'd try and have some kind of discussion with him so I did. And I was right about him. Such character is so predictable! They are known as big "D" extremist who only knew how to do one thing.... and that is to dismiss others who saw things differently. They would go even further to impose their belief & philosophy upon others who saw things differently. In their ever so isolated world it's a one way street. I'm going to offer an actual example here.

Be sure to watch this video first if you have not already. And then read what was discussed in a friend's Facebook wall. This video is captioned for non-signers.

---- Dean quoted ----

Dean wrote to Karen (owner of the facebook post) - you have every rights to vent. I am right behind you. I was there... but today we are under a tough situation. And, AM is just moving us away from the goal. I feel that she was aiming to do that. And, she succeed. It makes ZERO sense to me why she would attack little things when things are close to schedule.

For example, AFA protect happened. AM attacked Dave, ESAD Page and me. I lost focus on that. At the same time, the new board and recent developemnt of Regional Representatives were created. When A deaf agency hired a hearing person. She attacked those not infavor of the hearing person. She attacked that. The goal and focus was lost and all the sour things happened.

When 4201 Protect started, she attacked the President. All focus was lost in our community. Leaders ignored her and let her just attack. This happens over and over and over... we almost lost 4201 but I'm glad the leaders include myself put that aside.

That is my owly concerns... she always shows up and divides our people and we lose focus. But, I do know the feeling that she was wrong. There is little to do about opinon vs opinion without valid facts. It seems to me she just wants us to bark up the wrong trees and lose our focus. That is what happens ALL the times when she attacks.

----- end quote ----

I saw Dean's message as an effort to encourage us to work together. And then I noticed how he'd see those who don't work together as some kind of traitor. Huh? I asked myself if he also meant those who saw things differently?

I left a comment for Karen.

----- I quoted ----

Hi Karen. This is what I posted under Dean's vlog; Hi Dean. It's nice meeting you. I totally agree with your statement here. Very important to work together, especially when we are being confronted by adversaries such as bullying. However you'll understand that not every deaf people would agree on everything. Like me, I don't necessarily agree with many things that are being promoted by radical & extremists big D deaf people. I honestly do have different views on many things but I've been called many nasty things by big D deaf people. In short, they are saying it is not okay to think differently. They want to turn our community into some kind of mass-conformists who will cease from becoming independent thinkers. To think for ourselves is turning into some kind of sin. This type of oppression is not helping your cause. I, for one love deaf schools but I've refrained from supporting this cause because I do not want to be seen around the extremists. And I know many others who felt the same thing. Instead of pointing fingers at specific individuals and blaming them for the distractions, this group of radical extremists ought to take a hard and long look at their own behaviors. They're actually driving prominent & potential leaders away. Take me as an example. I have extensive experience in politics but I'm determined not to work with the the extremists. Thanks for hearing me out.

---- end quote -----

Much to my delight, Dean came in and made a decision to talk to me.

---- Dean quoted ----

Barry, I saw the posting today. It's ok to agree to disagree. There are many levels of social justice in a system advocacy. I will like to share some but I borrowed it from technology world. lol.

1. Innovators
2. Neutral
3. Laggers

An innovator would want to focus on changing the world. the Laggers will rather stay behind in the old ways. Innovation can be good or bad. Those who are in middle are neutral.

There is nothing wrong with where you want to be as long as you are neutral. This is America. We live in a democrat society where the people run the system. One person can not run the whole system so that is why we have many people working together.

In this 3 group of voter in each election. Please keep in mind, not all people vote. Currently 48% of the people are voters.

1. New Idea
2. Neutral
3. Old Idea

Sometimes, new ideas do not help the people, and people fight to keep the old idea. Those two group try go grow up. They are not always radical & extremists. Most of the times, we need to listen to both sides and do what we think is best for our people and country. This is not a sin. The sin is when people lie to get what they want. We all need to figure the best for ourselves.

If we want to think that disagreeing is radical & extremists, then we need to think about these people Martin Luther King, Jr., George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Susan B Anthony, Frederick Douglas, and many more people... do you really think they had a bad cause? At those times, when they were fighting for changes people actually were either against, supporting or neutral. This happens in our everyday life.

These people made the changes that we live today. But, there are also many changes that affect our lives in bad way too by other people in history. Thomas Jefferson supported slavery but he said that in 7 years they need to be freed. Even Adolf Hitler made changes that was in a bad way. Even IBM lost their whole name by letting Microsoft create a software for their computer and so on.

There are good and bad radical & extremists. We need all people working together. Those who are neutral are example of our former President James Monroe who was known as the great compromiser. He compromised what the Federalist (Alexander Hamilton and George Washinton) and the Democrats (Thomas Jefferson) were fighting over.

So, please don't become negative on either sides but listen and figure out what is good and needed. The future depends on all these things. Right now, deaf schools have 20% of the population. Mainstream is 80% of the population. And, I am seeing more and more deaf children with CI, hearing aids and etc... that can not speak and are left in a system without integration to communications. They go to school and home without any communication and they have no friends or learning opporunities in a fully integrated environment of communication.

I hope you will think of these children who need deaf schools but are stuck in an environment that segregated them from access to communication in mainstream schools. Seriously... i am seeing more and more of this.

---- end quote ----

Whew... that was quite a lengthy statement coming from him. I took it as an invitation to have a frank and open discussion with him so I gladly wrote back and accepted the invitation. I addressed the points he made in his comment.

---- I quoted ----

Dean, thanks for the lengthy response. Based on what little you just wrote, I'd like to say that I do agree with you on some fronts and I also disagree on some fronts. I appreciate your outline, that of innovators, neutral, laggers as well as new idea, neutral and old idea. However it’s not that simple as you made it sound.

Just because one is an innovator it does not mean they are right. It does not mean they have a proven theory. It does not mean we have to follow them or support them. And because one does not support or follow an innovator it does not mean they are neutral group of people. It does not mean they are laggers either. You see…. You just labeled them as ‘neutral’ and ‘laggers’ because they are not conformists… because they do not agree with you. I think you know better than to do something like this but yet for some reason you tried to dismiss those who actually have different view on things. Labeling them as neutral or laggers (and you might even consider them traitors) is not fair.

And again, an innovator is just that… nothing more. There is such thing as unsuccessful innovator. There are numerous factors and reasons why they do fail. I won’t go there since it’s going to generate an entirely new chapter. However, lack of insights from multiple points is one main reason.

An innovator does not always want to change the world. An innovator may try and create ways to maintain the old ways. I mean, look at yourself and the radical / extremists. What are they fighting for? They’re fighting to keep the deaf schools (old schools, mind you) and their language (our language isn’t new, mind you). So, you see, an innovator does not always want to change the world. Oftentimes they want to keep the old ways. You spoke of CI, and all the new technological changes… that’s changing the world and you’re fighting against it BECAUSE you are afraid of changes.

Don’t know if you know me as a vlogger but most people do. Everybody knows me as a controversial vlogger if not the most controversial one that is out there. And yet you gave an indication that I was on the neutral side. That statement was laughable. I know myself and I’m far from the neutral camp. Many will tell you that I’m not neutral on anything and I think I agree with them. And I most definitely am not a lagger. So what does that make me? An non-conformist. That’s what I am but yet you didn’t bother to mention this in your lengthy response. How come? You know we exist and yet you didn’t want to mention us.

Moving onto 3 group of voters in each election. You mentioned;
1. New Idea
2. Neutral
3. Old Idea

Surely you ought to know that new ideas oftentimes include old ideas but because old ideas might be unpopular they would come up with a new term and new image of something new which’s actually an old idea. This is done all the time. Most people don’t realize it but many things are being repeated. The history is repeating itself. So, don’t be fooled by new ideas. Secondly, neutral does not mean it lacks new idea or old idea. Oftentimes neutral is an action of promoting new idea or old idea. People don’t realize this but it happens all the time. People choose their neutral position as a way of re-positioning policies. Didn’t you know that? Old ideas are oftentimes new ideas. Sometimes policy makers know how unpopular new ideas are so they would try and paint the policy as the old policy when it actually changes most everything. Our government does this all the time but yet most people don’t realize this.

In essence, how we might vote depends largely on how we interpret old ideas and new ideas. Your view of new idea might be old to me. Your view of old idea might be new to me. Who are you to say that we all share the same view on old and new ideas? Who are you to decide what’s best for our people and our country? Who am I to decide what’s best for our people and our country? I mean, we simply can not possibly make ourselves larger than we really are. We can speak for ourselves but we can’t possibly speak for others. And that is what you and some of the extremists have been trying to do…. Imposing is what you all seem to do best. Imposing isn’t cool.

I find it quite comical when some of you tried to compare your cause with people like Martin Luther King, Jr., George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Susan B Anthony, Frederick Douglas, and such. These people didn’t fight against medical innovations. These people didn’t fight against new ideas. They actually fought for new ideas and new changes. It’s the opposite of what you guys are doing. You guys are fighting to maintain the old world. The old world belonged to the Kings and Queens of Europe. The old world belonged to white supremacists who wanted to enslave black people. The old world belonged to men who wanted to keep women under theiur control. The list goes on and on. You can’t just compare your cause to theirs.

And lastly, I thought it was quite interesting when you asked me not to become negative on either side but listen and figure out what’s good and needed. Hmmm… does it not occur to you that what might be good and needed to you might not be good and needed to me and others? You spoke of the future, which depends on all these things. FYI, your view on future is not the same as mine. You see a worrisome future and I see a bright future. I am not concerned about having only 20% of the deaf children population at the deaf schools. I think it’s a reflection of healthy dosage of innovations. I think that 80% population of deaf children found in mainstreaming schools is a reflection of healthy dosage of innovations. I am not concerned when I see more and more deaf children with CI. Not concerned about them using hearing aids either. I think it’s great. It actually mean we still have our freedom to choose our options. You made a claim on how some of them would go to school and home without any communication… lacking friends or lacking learning opportunities. I agree that it’s happening but the factors are numerous. It’s not because of lack of ASL or lack of deaf school services. Mental health is the largest contributor to the problem here. Family value is one other main cause. Community ineffectiveness is one. I mean, the list goes on and on. Blaming the problem squarely on lack of ASL and deaf schools is not going to fly. The policy makers are not stupid. They have a complete team of researchers who compound all possible data together and make policy decisions. I mean, broaden up your horizon and learn accordingly.

And lastly, some of you seem to have selective hearings... (only a saying) choosing to ignore bullying when it was targeted towards deaf, hard of hearing and hearing people you didn't care for. And when an inside hit was made then I hear this outcry. I mean, how do you think it made you and others look? Take Aidan Mack as an example. She bullied many deaf, HH and hearing people but yet you never spoke out. And then, all of suddenly you spoke out as soon as she attacked your camp. What made you think we’re going to sympathize with you? I hope you understand what I’m seeing here.

---- end quote ----

And boy... he sounded as if he was pissed off, forgetting who initiated (started) the discussion between the two of us.

---- Dean quoted ----

I'm not going to spend hours debating your thoughts. You are entitled to your own opinion. But, I will like to discuss your accusation.

My respond was, "I am seeing more and more deaf children with CI, hearing aids and etc... that can not speak and are left in a system without integration to communications."

And your respond to my respond:

"changing the world and you’re fighting against it BECAUSE you are afraid of changes."

No where I said anything that where I stand in the issue. I gave a very surface answer. You gave an answer that you are confident that I am afraid of change. Bottom line, my answer does not even match your assumption. Therefore you gave a lie as in sin. That was not a very nice assumption.

To assume means to make an ass out of you and me. I do not want to do that to you. However, I am not insulting. I just want you to see how a bully works. My advise for you is that before you go against me about changes. Be sure you know where I actually stand. Focusing on ASL, is about changes too. No one wants to use ASL anymore. More and more hearing people want to use ASL today than before. That is a change. Focusing on speaking is about changes. Focusing on hearing is about changes. But, I can tell you one thing. The change that we all should be fighting is not about that. It's about respect. No where CI, Oralism, Hearing and etc is helping deaf respect eachother. The only place the respect will land is at ASL. Think about how many deaf people today use ASL and were raised to be oral. The percent always decreases as they go back to signing. But, their skills are very weak. They can not communicate effectively in ANY WAY! I am always embarrassed how my oral friends speak to hearing people. Including myself, I struggle on signing clearly because I was raised without ASL and thinking that ASL was a bad thing. Some people still carry that. I gave in a long time ago and realized that ASL is a language we should fight for a change for all of us then all other things will come in well.

People are going to become deaf whenever they get CI or not. They will still depend on ASL whenever they get CI or not. They still will lose their hearing whenever they get CI or not. These changes still lead many people to need ASL. And, taking away ASL from these children is not helping them integrate in the community.

Those who want to change are taking away ASL. And, seriously... tell me any people with CI who are hearing well with CI. I am friends with many CI users... who do not use ASL. They still misunderstand more than a deaf person with an interpreter. We should not ignore those facts that an interpreter is still needed.

Bottom line, my point still stands... we need ASL as foundation of our deaf education.

---- end quote ----

Apparently he had more to say so he made other comment following the earlier comment.

---- Dean quoted ----

But, I want to focus on the senate of Indiana right now... there is about 2 hours to go! This debate should not take place right now. I am not even in Indiana to help them... the hope and support needs to go to those leaders not between you and me.

I hope you can see what I mean here Bruce. Nice talking with you and hopefully we can see eye to eye somewhere. And, thank you for being a little more respectful than the other bullies out there.

---- end quote ----

I had to chuckle because he sounded so typical. I responded;

---- I quoted ----

LOL @ Dean. I don't see a Bruce in this thread. The name is Barry. Talking about being respectful, eh? Regardless, that was a nice effort on your part, to try and turn the table on me. FYI, it is quite typical coming from extremist big "D" people. You assumed a lot of things in your initial comment towards me and I didn't complain. I gladly discussed the points you made. And yet you didn't want to discuss the points I made? Instead, you resorted to what I'd call typical response by extremist big 'D" deaf people. Rather than discussing my points you resorted to mere excuses, labeling my points as assumptions... as if you didn't assume anything in your comment. This is comical (chuckling here on my end) but then it does not surprise me. This happens all the time. People like you run away from the table whenever I bring valid points to the table. Apparently you're no different.

---- end quote ----

I knew it right off the bat when I saw his video. I liked some of his message but yet I knew he was this typical radical extremist big "D" character who only knows how to dismiss those who see things differently. And then they LOVE to impose their own ideologies upon others who see things differently. They hate non-conformist people like myself. They hate people who think independently and differently. They are so predictable. What further proof do you need?


  1. And, how is he 'focusing' on Indiana, pray tell?

    What did he do in that two hour time frame where he hoped he would make an impact on HB 1367?

    I really have a LOT to say about the above comments and his video. But, my priorities comes first. As soon as I'm done with FOCUSING on my priorities, I'll be back to add more to this. ;)

  2. And I know plenty of oral deaf people who don't use ASL and do just fine! I hate when people say that it is impossible. Yes, if you spend your time in the Deaf community, everyone will be dependent on ASL. That is what makes them big D Deaf!

  3. the Holism,

    DR's pendulum swings back and forth, depending on whether or not the mod's agree with YOUR view. This has gone on for a number of years, nothing new. Given what you've said, I guess I'm gonna have to check the Extraneous, er "Extra", page more often now. :(

    I viewed Dean's vlog, and there is nowhere in that vlog any mention of the Indiana bill. His vlog FOCUS was to tell folks "not to focus" on a bully distracting from an issue. It isn't 'til the very end of the vlog with captioned info that anybody not familiar with the "issue" finally figures out that the Indiana bill is the issue, not the bully.

    Yet Dean says, "For those who are in the grassroots community, it is fine to attack that person" (the bully, that is).

    For those who've been around on DR, readers know that "grassroots community" usually is a term for big D's assumption that they know what's good for all who are deaf, including deaf children, and that's ASL and cultural conformity. That simple blanket assumption doesn't work, because not every d/Deaf person's experience is alike, nor does every d/Deaf person want/need a Deaf culture fix. Uh, non-conformist? I'd rather call it freedom of choice to be what you wish to be defined and not be condemned for it.

    Then in the next breath, Dean says, "Just be sure you FOCUS on what the leaders want you to do".

    What was the purpose of Dean's vlog?


    For those in Indiana, HR 1367 is a bill worthy of your careful consideration and research, regardless of what Dean or the "leaders" urge you to do. Separate the hype and the different parties' allegations and opinions, from what the bill is about and then decide for yourself what you choose to vote.

    Hey, I've said nothing for or against this bill-- I ain't from Indiana. ;)


  4. It is regrettable differing views go through 'phases' of acceptance, everyone deaf has a right to put their point. I thought it was an An American amendment ?

    Big D little d, an terminology that means nothing at all these days except an area where each 'extremist' can strut their stuff. I think taking ANY Notice of social sites in an mistake. People post there because social sites are hot beds of abuse and hate, and not social at all.

  5. Good morning... I sat down and read your blog. I come from a different view, since I know Dean on a personal level, having socialized with him, etc., as well as one of my husband's college "roommates" (they lived in a college apartment with other guys a few decades ago.) Dean had a prior experience with a certain person who recently went after me, so I understand the reason for his vlog. Plus he's working as an advocate for disabled people (both hearing and deaf) here in NYS, involved in political activism, etc. Plus that certain person had attacked him viciously last summer, so I appreciate his standing up and asking that we refocused our attention to what he felt demanded our attention.

    As for the conversation between you and Dean, I thought it was good, just trying to understand each other, yeah, with a little bickering, but not bad in my eyes.

    Alright, I'd better get going to do the chores that I had not done for a few days...ta da...

  6. It's sad when people make assumptions that are not true. Barry, if you could get to know me then you will see where I am coming from.

    One thing I learned years ago, when people accuse other people of assuming things. They are the ones that are assuming.

    People who focus on writings English always leads to misunderstandings. It does not show who the person actually is from that. If you want to know me, get to know me. But posting a blog about someone you do not know and misunderstand is wrong.

    You do not know me nor my background. Like you said, you never saw me or met me in person. Based on one video blog and one video you know.

    Read Matt 7:5. Make sure you do not judge by little things in the person, before you judge them by the log of your eye my friend.

    It is very dishonest to accuse people of things that you do not know. This verse is mainly telling people not to blame other people for their small error... because you can not see anything after the log that blocks you from seeing your own faults. It seems to me if you give a dishonest answer... then the whole thing is dishonest.

    My suggestions is for you to think twice before you assume someone is extremist big "D" people. You do not have enough evidence of that at all.

  7. Dean, I appreciate your presence and comment in this thread. I'd like to remind you of something here. You were the one that started off with assumptions in your comment towards me. Did I accuse you of assuming things that were false? No I didn't. Instead of that I brought my points to the table. And then you accused me of assuming stuff. You were also the one who started off with lengthy explanation with various points of yours. And when I tried to do the same you slammed the door on me and said you didn't want to spend the time having this discussion with me. And now you're saying I didn't get to know you well enough, basically trying to disqualify my observation of you. If you think about it... it was exactly the impression you've given me. Now, whose responsibility is that? Yours. That's who. It's entirely up to you on how you want to introduce yourself. It's entirely up to you on what kind of impressions you'd want to leave for others. In this case, I could only interpret what you said and how you reacted to some of the points I brought onto the table. You were not focused. You didn't really read my points. You didn't want to talk about my points. You only wanted to talk about your own points. Talk about self centered people I've gotten to know. If I'm mistaken then you have a unique opportunity to respond here and correct your own misgivings. What's stopping you from doing that here?

    It was quite comical for you to bring Bible scripture into the debate, touting Matt 7:5. It has nothing to do with our discussions here. We're not discussing our qualifications for heavenly kingdom here. We are debating people's views on deaf issues.

    And again, if anything dishonest was spewed here then what's stopping you from correcting something you might have said that gave us the wrong impression of you? Instead of saying you are wrong or you're being dishonest, why don't you start by explaining what you meant by what you said and then I'd be able to explain why or how I came down to this conclusion about you.

    By the way, you still have not addressed many of the points I made in my discussion with you as I have on the points you made. Talk about ethics. You demonstrated nearly none.

  8. Karen, I respect that. You know him personally and I don't but that does not give him the right to dismiss my points the way he did. It does not give him the rights to impose his belief & views upon me without considering my belief and views as well. I have very little faith in one's vouches for others especially after they've done something or said something that was disrespectful. You know me. I'm not easily influences by one's opinion of others. I have my own mind and that is something Dean clearly does not like. It's clear he's looking for conformists who will agree with him. Thanks again for coming in. Have a great day.

  9. Candy, Miss Kat & Ann... thank you for the comment. I agree with your assessments and thoughts on the matter. I have nothing further to add to them. I feel that too many people like Dean are being careless with their own statements and behaviors. They seem to think that it's going to be invisible to the world. And when somebody picks them up and talk about it in v/blog sphere then they'd usually act shocked and disappointed. I think I've said enough. Thanks again for posting your comments here.

  10. MM, I agree with you and the question you raised. Is it not an American's amendment for everybody to harbor differing views and go through 'phases' of acceptance, which gives every deaf person a right to raise their own point. That is exactly why I asked Dean the boiling question when he dismissed the points I made. Not only did he dismiss them he didn't want to discuss them. This is so un-American. This is a reflection of old European white men's mentality that they're going back to. Dean spoke of radicals and extremists as if he represented new changes and new ideas. New changes? New ideas? Is not CI and all other new technologies new changes and new ideas? In fact he's fighting against changes. He's fighting to retain the things that are old but yet called it innovation. That part was laughable.

  11. Barry,

    It seems that Karen and I are trying to help but writing anything will just build on your pride.

    It seems to me that the whole thing start with a misunderstanding for a misunderstanding. If you want to accuse me of being careless, my respond will be that a wise person would give answer for many. A servant of self will give an answer for the few.

    It is OK to disagree. But, if you want to lean on your pride, you will fall (Proverbs 16:18.) And, I have nothing more to say other than let you believe in what you believe that you are right. I always saw a good servant as a humble and honest person. My interest are only for a truthful witness (Proverbs 12:17.)

    I hope this helps you think... but then again. I'll leave this up to the Lord for those who believe.


  12. Dean, what does pride have to do with this? Having a discussion is a form of pride? Talking about my point of views is a form of pride? Blogging is a form of pride? Challenging someone is a form of pride? I think I ought to bring in one of my most abused quote here... "Person's words are like mirror, a reflection of self". You spoke of assumptions. You spoke of dishonesty. You spoke of pride. These choice of words must be a reflection of one self. Need I say more?

  13. Hi Barry,

    From what I am laughing so hard when Dean is firing you with versions from Bible. It is pretty conflicted on his action and those version. I assumed that Dean has forgotten that our beloved Creator has promised that we shall be normal again. It is just a purpose for us being deaf.

    If Dean did not know therefore he needs to go to Sunday school to understand the Bible better. It is useless for someone who fire at someone with Bible version while someone do not know that Creator has already promised something better.

    Dean, Quit worry about our being, remember that our Creator has already promised you for the better since you seem read the Bible.


  14. Cavvy, point well made. From my brief experience with Dean I could sense that he is a man without sound defense. Instead he uses labels to describe a problem such as 'assumption', 'dishonest' and 'pride'. He has not demonstrated the ability to debate. And again, this is so typical of big "D" deaf people. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.

  15. Okay, I'm back. My priorities have been focused on, now I can respond more.

    Dean's claim that AM took the focus away from him and that is really lame, a cop-out. No one can take the focus off his priorities unless he lets it happen.

    What Dean does not get, is that everyone is entitled to their opinion. Just because they are all deaf/hh, does not mean they all must "cooperate" and support each other on every issues.

    Dean's claim that AM shows up and divides others is not true. AM had an opinion that differed from his, or AM had critiqued how things were and she had every right to express her feelings/views, regardless of whether it was sound and just to some or not. She does not have to be right when she expresses her views. She has that right.

    Dean jumped on the bandwagon of "community accountability" because of what AM did to him in the past. Have you noticed how he went on and on about what she did in past: AFA protest, 4201 protest, etc. He assumed AM is doing it again regarding ISD outreach crisis. Truth is, if AM had not accused KM of lying, I don't think this community accountability would have happened. It was not about ISD outreach, even though it started with AM expressing her views that JK was not reporting on facts on his video regarding HB 1367.

    Dean does not seem to understand that this "community accountability" was about AM making reference to KM's child. It was NOT about HB 1367.

    I've concluded that Community Accountability in this case was not working. Nothing seems to work when it comes to certain deaf folks who are extreme and militant in their thinking.

    Barry, you're right in assessing Dean's message on his video and in his comments to you.

    Dean is essentially saying, when it comes to deaf issues such as AFA protest, 4201 school crisis, AB 2072, and HB 1367, ALL deaf/hh should be standing along with them in that fight. Dean is demanding conformity. Those opposing HB 1367, AB 2072, 4201 school crisis, and those supporting AFA's mission are not always necessarily RIGHT.

    Some of us don't agree because we happen to have minds of our own. We don't just jump on the bandwagon for the sake of supporting DEAF, we weight all the information and facts and come to conclusion on these issues all on our own. We have that right. We're not traitors.

    Innovators are folks in the medical field who come up with new tools that help deaf folks to hear and the extremist, militant deaf community members are totally against it.

    Some of us are turned off with the Hitler label plastered next to names such as Naomi Horton, AGBell, Karl White, and more. We don't want to be part of the problem, we want to be part of new innovative ways one can learn to get along and work with others. Working with others MEANS, respecting all ways one choose to be deaf. Capitalize on how working together can help every approach in which parents opt for their children.

    Unfortunately, the extremists and militant deaf chose to approach the things they fear, in ways that truly hurts the deaf world. They don't realize it now, they're in denial. They will realize it one day.

    radical, extremists, militants are those that demand conformity.

    I got done watching Switched At Birth tonight. This new character, a deaf guy threatened Daphene's dad with a law suit if he fired him. The deaf guy does not understand he was being insubordiate! That's a good example of extreme thinking. Fortunately, Daphene got to him and made him understand. The deaf guy realized Daphene was right, he asked her father for a second chance.

    We need to stop using our deafness as an excuse. It's lame. It's a cop-out.

  16. Candy, I have never watched Switched at Birth... believe it or not ;-P Well, we don't have cable. I know there's, but not interested. Have a good day...

  17. Karen, SAB actually shows certain aspects of deaf culture and I think it's educational. It also shows, last night, that there are those whom are militant and those whom are not. Interesting.

    The show is also on:

    You comment is a good example of your not conforming to others by not watching it. And, I'm not going to demand that you do. ;)

    And, for others, there's this guy that does a critique of the show (not bad, he interjects his views on whether it reflects deaf culture or not):

  18. Dean's quote: There is nothing wrong with where you want to be as long as you are neutral. This is America. We live in a democrat society where the people run the system. One person can not run the whole system so that is why we have many people working together.
    That made me laughin so hard. Why? In this America never has been a democrat as democracy. Wrong assumption! FYI, this America still a REPUBLIC as always:) I was wondering about big D have ever read US Constitution in school? It's people's freedom of choice whatever they wants to do. That's sad. Barry, good blogging:)

  19. I've not watched the SAB show but my wife and kids did. They seem to be enjoying the show so far. They told me some things about radicals that were demonstrated on a national television show. I thought it was great. It's high time to embarrass the big D society and expose them for who they really are. In short, jerks.

  20. PitbullakaRJ, that portion of statement made by Dean made me chuckle as well. You wondered if the big D society have ever read the U.S. Constitution in school. My honest answer would be, I highly doubt it. Dean is a perfect example of what's wrong with this big D society and I thought I'd make a classic example of him. He was a perfect stranger to me and apparently I was a perfect stranger to him since he called me Bruce. LOL. I hope he has learned a small lesson from this experience and learn not to be ignorant of other people's different views.

  21. Wow Barry - you hit the nail on the coffin. Many of us are not ready to face reality that our education failed us. If ASL was such a success then why are people still graduating with 4th to 5th grade reading level?? I love your blogs. Your audacity shows us what a person of hearing loss really should be. Thank God this is America not europe where they instutionalize their deaf people. We live in a country with so many diverse individuals who succeed in their own way. So called Deaf radicals expect us to think like them or we are tossed out. I love it when I take responsibility for our own actions. I'm where I am today because my strong American Indian mother believed that her responsibility was to be sure I had the proper education. I lost my hearing at two. She didn't like how deaf schools didn't teach me language development. She wanted me to be around hearing people because she knew that being inclusive with others will help me understand. Yes it was tough growing up with a hearing loss. I was blessed to have a mother who made sure I knew who I was. She made sure I went to pow wows. She taught me how to dance. I danced competively without using my deafness as an excuse. My grandmother taught me to take pride in who I am. They taught the same values to my 4 children. We are blessed to be members of Pawnee and Flandreau Santee tribe. That's the real pride that strong D folks are trying to duplicate. They are seeking sense of belonging. They won't find it in so called deaf culture. They are creating a false sense of security. I know because I have seen them fight and make a fool outta themselves in tent city. Embarrassing our nation where we have spent so much money trying to "fix" them to be assimilated like hearing. Come on. The oxymoron is that honey we need to speak English and succeed in America by writing in English. ASL does not give us a ticket to American dream. Those are my two cents. Thank you Barry for being genuine!

  22. Wow Michelle. You do need to start blogging and share your thoughts and experience with the rest of the world. There seem to be a severe shortage of positive insights on deaf issues, thanks to influxes of angry deaf people who don't seem to understand how this world works. I'm grateful you had a wonderful mother who knew what it'd take to raise healthy and strong children. Thanks for stopping by. Be sure to let me know when and if you decide to start a new blog site. I'd be one of the first people there. ; )
