Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Blaming us?

This video was created in response to some of the frivolous open letters to Purple (VRS Company) asking them to unsponsor Tayler and his Deafvideo.tv and DeafRead.com because they felt that Tayler was not "Deaf" enough as in "deafless". They went on to say that their so-called deaf centrist group were becoming weaker and weaker because of Tayler and DVTV / DR users.

Amazing what these people are willing to do to promote their cause. I rubbed my eyes because I could not believe the statements they were making. These people continue to fail to understand what information age would do to a closed society like theirs. It's not as simple as blaming it on Tayler or Purple or anybody in particular. I vlogged on this subject previously and talked about the weakness of a closed society. Her recent statement offered the proof.

Having said this, the Purple company as whole offer wonderful services for all ranges of deaf people with different hearing losses and communication needs. Each one of us have different needs therefore we have different core values. It's evident that we do not share all the same deaf center values that's shared by deafhoodized few. It's ridiculous for them to ask Purple to favor one group's center over others.

It's becoming clearer and clearer. They failed to realize that they are the minority of a minority of a majority. This makes them an extremely small group of people, a closed society that's not willing to respect and recognize other people's degree of hearing losses and their communication needs.


  1. It was sad to read of the bile coming from some of them, bordering on hate at times. Deaf.read and it contributors are child abusers etc, these critics are exhibiting classic paranoia it seems to me. They don't want to engage with other people they want some sort of private club and restrictive area, which would set the signing deaf back 50 years. Can they not see that approach in the 20th and 21stc has no hope of any success ? I rather feel the main point of what annoys them is that setting up an exclusive area has backfired on them. I think most deaf people would prefer the arguing to stop and the acceptances to start, without all these walls and barriers being erected like some sort of scorched earth policy they are pursuing... We may disagree on how to achieve that but the goal should be the thing. I don't care what mode people use, it's not a competition !

  2. Barry, I find your vlogs so refreshing from the hostile diatribes going on nowadays. You are a cool, calm, sane "voice" (hands?) of reason. I feel exactly the way you do, and appreciate your having the courage to say what you think in a public forum. I've said many times that the prominent leaders of Deafhood, DBC, AFA, and other groups of their ilk are constantly turning the rest of us off by their irrational ravings. They are indeed a minority within a minority. Keep up the good work.

  3. HELLO..


  4. Here's the truth, it only small group of people who are the same race, think the same and most of them grew up the same way when it comes to Deaf Culture. If any agency, VRS or business that has $$$ does not support their cause or benefit them. It either their way or HIGHWAY!!

    So sad really and sorry for allowing small group of people have control over this type of of things.

    We all know who behind this, and it starts with letter J and other one starts with an E.

    Now just watch, since Purple has remove it support, I would not be shock if those people who started this as in getting Purple to remove it support will turn this around and have it benefit them some how. I know how they work and it been same crap past 10 years with these group of folks.
