Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Deaf Sherlock, reflection of a closed society.

I left a comment under your recent blog and decided to post a new blog on this subject because I had a feeling you would not publish it. I believe it's my first ever comment under your blog but whether you publish it remains to be seen. It'd make no difference to me if you decide not to publish it because we live in an open society where we're able to re-post our comments if they don't make it through.

Just wanted to say that I enjoyed your blog with the exception for the part where you made some strategic mistakes. Strategic mistakes? You assumed about some of the things that were not exactly correct. In short, not the truth. To assume is a dangerous business to get into and I'm sure you already know that.

Here are some of the things I wanted to share with you.

1) Mike is angry, not. I do not see him as angry and I happen to know that he is not.

2) He's taking it out on the deaf community, not. He's merely sharing his views and has every rights to do that. You do not pose such power to know whether somebody's angry and what his readers and followers might think of his issues and posts.

3) You warned that his readers and followers might not read his posts any more. I checked some of his posts as well as yours. I saw no difference between the amount of traffic the both of you attract. In fact, he is getting about the same traffic that you're getting, give or take. Traffic and interest depends, not on the writer but the topic itself. Take me as an example. Many people HATE me but yet many people follow my postings whether it be blog or a vlog.

4) You also suggested that he apologize and post it. I respectfully disagree. One should never apologize for his difference in opinion. Your suggestion is a mere reflection of a closed society and how it likes for people to think and behave.

5) You also suggest that he get some counseling. I respectfully disagree again. One does not get counseling for their difference in opinion and view. Once again, your suggestion is exactly what a closed society would recommend. Fortunately for Mike and myself, we're not part of a closed society.

And lastly, thank you for the free and unsolicited advice. I'm sure Mike would not have paid for it anyway if they were not free. I know I would not, based on ill-advices you had in store for him.

I have one suggestion for you. Observe yourself and do some research on character traits of a closed society. It'll serve you well down the road.



  1. "Is this thing on? Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3. Is the interpreter ready? Ok...

    Well said Holism! Thank you for posting this.

    However, I would say that Mike is angry, understandably so. I am too. And that is OK.

    I think a lot of people are misunderstanding what Mike is angry about. He is angry about some of Deafhood's ideologies. He is not angry at the entire signing deaf community. He is not shouting or threating people. He is calm and reasonable; clearly stating his opinions and thoughts on the matter. That is all. He does not need to apologize for this! And if we are going to base it on what he has written thus far, he certainly does not need counseling! Thank you."


  2. (e, thank you for the insightful view. True. Nothing wrong with being angry, provided we are not being violent about it.

  3. Look who's angry? Sherlock himself! See how he gets all hyped up about hate crimes against deaf and he didn't even bother to check out the facts. Only angry people do that. (I think..lol) Then the updates showed he didn't check his facts. There's too many angry people in a closed society and that's a fact. ;)

  4. Lol, DR and DVTV are forums for anger release.

    Nothing wrong with having a view, deafhood or deafhood, no thanks. ;)

    When one calls another a psycho/sicko/angry person and says the other person needs "counseling or anger management courses", it's actually a personal attack.

    Anger couched in terms of unsolicited advice is an iron fist in a velvet glove.


  5. I agree with everything you said.... now you know why "the Deaf sherlock" has alot of enemies...he rarely does his homework, and he hurts people with his off-the wall statements!

  6. e) - you can read my blog about this. Not angry, I just vociferously don't agree with this ideology where they mix identity politics with Deaf culture and attempt to inject that into a wider population of the (non-signing, non-ASL)deaf and hh community. Understand that disagreeing doesn't mean being angry. I understand that they are trying to preserve their own culture but this is not the way to do it.


  7. "I'm not angry, I just vociferously don't agree with . . ."
    I like that. I am going to have to use that sometime. :)

    No, but I understand now. You are not angry. I apologize for making that assumption.

